Guided Tour of the Cádiz Cathedral

The Cádiz Cathedral is one of the most emblematic and representative monuments of the city of Cádiz. It is a religious building of great beauty and historical value, combining different architectural and artistic styles. Its construction spanned more than a century, from 1722 to 1838, reflecting the social, economic, and cultural changes experienced by Cádiz during that time.

If you want to discover all the secrets and curiosities of this impressive masterpiece, we invite you to take a guided tour of the Cádiz Cathedral. You will be able to explore its interior, admire its works of art, climb the clock tower, and enjoy unforgettable panoramic views. Additionally, you can access the cathedral museum, where pieces of great historical and artistic value are preserved.

Santa Cruz Church, Cádiz

The Santa Cruz Church in Cádiz is the original name of the Cádiz Cathedral. It was built on the remains of an old Gothic cathedral, which had been commissioned by Alfonso X el Sabio in the 13th century. The Santa Cruz Church in Cádiz served as the episcopal see of the Diocese of Cádiz and Ceuta until 1838, when it was moved to the new cathedral.

The Santa Cruz Church in Cádiz is a Baroque-style building, with a main façade flanked by two twin towers. Inside, the main altarpiece, a work by the sculptor Pedro Roldán, stands out, housing the image of the Virgin of the Rosary, patron saint of Cádiz. The side chapels, dedicated to different saints and Marian advocations, are also noteworthy.

The Santa Cruz Church in Cádiz is located next to Fray Félix Square, where the cathedral museum is situated. It can be visited every day, except Mondays, from 10:00 to 14:00 and from 17:00 to 20:00 hours.


Santa Cruz Church Tour

If you want to learn more about the history of the Santa Cruz Church in Cádiz, we recommend taking a guided tour of its most prominent corners. With our Guided Visit to the Cádiz Cathedral, you will be able to discover its history, art, and symbolism, accompanied by our expert guide who will explain all the details.

During the tour of the Cádiz Cathedral, you will be welcomed by our guide, who will accompany you through its majestic spaces. You will contemplate the imposing façade in Baroque and Neoclassical styles, admiring the ornamental details and the impressive reliefs depicting biblical episodes and religious scenes.

Upon entering the Cádiz Cathedral, you will be amazed by the grandeur of the main nave, with its towering columns and magnificent vaulted ceiling. Our guide will lead you through the side chapels, where you will discover exquisite altarpieces, sculptures, and artworks by renowned artists.

One of the highlights of the visit to the Santa Cruz Church in Cádiz is the ascent to the Clock Tower, from where you can enjoy spectacular panoramic views of the city and its surroundings. You will admire the beauty of Cádiz’s old town and the sea that surrounds the city while your guide provides historical information and interesting facts about the tower and its significance in the lives of the people of Cádiz.

During the tour, you will also have the opportunity to visit the Cathedral Treasury, which houses a valuable collection of religious objects and sacred art. Admire pieces of goldsmithing, reliquaries, and paintings of great historical and artistic value while learning about their meaning and their connection to the cathedral.

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Tickets to enter the Cádiz Cathedral

Tickets for the Cathedral of Cádiz can be purchased online or at the ticket office of the cathedral museum. The price is the same in both cases: 6 euros per person. Tickets for the Cathedral of Cádiz include admission to the temple, the clock tower, and the museum.

Tickets for the Cathedral of Cádiz have unlimited validity, meaning they can be used on any day and at any time within the opening hours. The schedule is as follows:

Tuesday to Saturday: From 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM. Sundays and holidays: From 1:30 PM to 8:00 PM. Mondays: Closed.

Tickets for the Cathedral of Cádiz can be purchased online through the official cathedral website or at the ticket office of the cathedral museum, located in Fray Félix Square. Payment can be made by credit card or in cash.

Tickets for the Cathedral of Cádiz are an excellent option to enjoy a comprehensive and diverse visit to one of the most important monuments in Cádiz.

Main Opening Hours of the Cathedral of Cádiz

The opening hours of the Cathedral of Cádiz are as follows:

From Tuesday to Saturday: From 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM. Sundays and holidays: From 1:30 PM to 8:00 PM. Mondays: Closed.

These hours apply to access to the temple, the clock tower, and the cathedral museum. To visit the Iglesia de Santa Cruz in Cádiz, the schedule is the same, except on Mondays when it opens from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM and from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM.

The opening hours of the Cathedral of Cádiz may undergo changes due to liturgical or maintenance reasons. It is recommended to check the official website of the cathedral to confirm the hours before your visit.

The opening hours of the Cathedral of Cádiz are extensive and flexible to facilitate access for all visitors. Don’t miss the opportunity to explore this magnificent architectural and cultural complex, and plan your visit in advance.”

visita a la catedral de cadiz

Cathedral of Cádiz

The Cathedral of Cádiz is the most important and monumental religious building in the city. It is a masterpiece of Baroque and Neoclassical art, built between 1722 and 1838. Its main facade, facing the sea, is one of the most iconic and photographed images of Cádiz.

The Cathedral of Cádiz has a Latin cross plan with three naves and a transept. Its interior is bright and spacious, with sober and elegant decoration. Notable features include the choir, the organ, the main altarpiece, and the side chapels, where the tombs of composers Manuel de Falla and José María Pemán are located.

The Cathedral of Cádiz also has a clock tower, known as the West Tower or the Tavira Tower. From its summit, you can enjoy spectacular views of the city and the sea. The tower houses a clock dating from the 19th century, making it one of the oldest in Spain.

The Cathedral of Cádiz is a must-visit for art and history enthusiasts. Its visit allows you to discover the past and present of Cádiz, as well as its cultural and heritage richness

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History of the Cathedral of Cádiz

The history of the Cathedral of Cádiz dates back to the 18th century when it was decided to build a new temple to replace the old one, which was in poor condition. The project was entrusted to the architect Vicente Acero, who designed a Baroque cathedral with Italian influences.

Construction began in 1722 but faced numerous interruptions and changes due to economic crises, French invasions, and the loss of trade with America. As a result, the construction extended for more than a century, and neoclassical elements were incorporated into the original design.

The cathedral was completed in 1838, although some details such as the choir or the presbytery remained unfinished. Consecration took place in 1839, and since then, the cathedral has witnessed numerous historical and religious events.

The history of the Cathedral of Cádiz reflects the history of the city and the country. A visit allows you to learn about the vicissitudes and transformations that Cádiz experienced over the centuries.

Explore the interior of the Cathedral of Cádiz

  • The interior of the Cathedral of Cádiz is a testament to the harmony and balance between Baroque and Neoclassical styles. Its floor plan is in the shape of a Latin cross, with three naves and a transept. The central nave is higher and wider than the lateral ones, covered by a barrel vault with lunettes. The lateral naves have ribbed vaults and are connected to the central nave by half-point arches.

The interior of the Cathedral of Cádiz is illuminated by large windows, creating a bright and serene atmosphere. The decoration is sober and elegant, with a predominance of white and gold. The floor is made of black and white marble, forming a geometric design.

Among the most notable elements of the interior of the Cathedral of Cádiz are:

  • The choir: Located in the central nave, facing the main altar. It consists of two levels, the lower one with walnut woodwork carved by Pedro Duque Cornejo, and the upper one with an organ and a gallery. The organ is a 19th-century work with over 4,000 pipes and four keyboards.

  • The main altarpiece: It presides over the main altar and is an 18th-century Baroque work created by Alejandro Saavedra. It is composed of three levels and five sections, with Solomonic columns and estipites. In the center, you can find the image of the Virgin of the Rosary, the patroness of Cádiz, surrounded by sculptures of the four evangelists and the twelve apostles.

  • The lateral chapels: These chapels are distributed along the lateral naves and are dedicated to different saints and Marian devotions. Some of the most important ones include the Chapel of the Tabernacle, the Chapel of the Christ of the Good Death, the Chapel of San Sebastián, or the Chapel of Our Lady of the Pillar. In these chapels, you can find the tombs of composers Manuel de Falla and José María Pemán, as well as other works of art such as paintings, sculptures, or reliquaries.

The interior of the Cathedral of Cádiz is a space that invites contemplation and admiration. A visit allows you to appreciate the beauty and artistic value of its elements, as well as its religious and cultural significance.

Visita la Plaza de la catedral Cádiz

La plaza de la catedral Cádiz es el espacio público que rodea a la catedral de Cádiz. Se trata de una plaza amplia y abierta, que ofrece unas vistas privilegiadas del templo y del mar. La plaza tiene forma irregular, y está pavimentada con adoquines blancos y negros. La plaza de la catedral Cádiz es un lugar emblemático y concurrido de la ciudad. En ella se celebran diversos eventos culturales y festivos, como conciertos, exposiciones o procesiones. También es un punto de encuentro para los turistas y los locales, que disfrutan de su ambiente animado y acogedor. En la plaza de la catedral Cádiz se pueden encontrar varios edificios históricos y monumentos, como:
  • El palacio episcopal: Es la residencia oficial del obispo de Cádiz y Ceuta. Es un edificio neoclásico del siglo XVIII, que tiene una fachada principal con un pórtico con columnas jónicas y un frontón triangular. En su interior se conservan obras de arte religioso y mobiliario antiguo.
  • La casa del Almirante: Es una casa señorial del siglo XVII, que perteneció al almirante Diego Barrios. Es un edificio barroco, que tiene una fachada principal con un balcón corrido con rejas de hierro forjado. En su interior se aloja el Centro Municipal de Arte Flamenco La Merced.
  • El monumento a Moret: Es una escultura en bronce que representa al político gaditano Segismundo Moret. Fue realizada por Mariano Benlliure en 1913, e inaugurada en 1918. Se encuentra en el centro de la plaza, sobre un pedestal de piedra con relieves alusivos a su vida y obra.
La plaza de la catedral Cádiz es una visita obligada para los que quieren conocer el corazón de Cádiz. Su visita permite disfrutar de la arquitectura, el arte y la vida de la ciudad.

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